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Criminal Justice PSA Project: Home


Instructions:  Working with a partner, create a public service announcement (PSA) using WeVideo to inform viewers about the illegal drug you’ve researched.   Please include the following information in your PSA:

  • Name of drug
  • Street name or common slang names
  • Classification in the Controlled Substances Act (Schedule I,II, III, etc…)
  • Method of use
  • Symptoms of use
  • Short and long term side-effects of use
  • Anything else you find interesting or want us to know about the drug

Websites About Illegal Drugs

Websites About Prevention


WeVideo Instructions

Video Assignment Requirements

Videos should be 60-90 seconds and should NOT incorporate the use of real drugs or drug paraphernalia.  For maximum effectiveness, please include music, text, graphics or images and your own voice.  Videos should be shared with me prior to the end of class on Monday, February 11th.

Tips for Creating a Great PSA

The More You Know


Examples of Past Student Created PSAs