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Brent Research 2019 Project: Home



One-stop source for news, magazine, and periodical articles across a wide range of general interest topics and academic disciplines.

Database Access When NOT at School

To sign into databases from school, click on  at top of screen. Once you've done this you will automatically sign in each time you access the databases.


Once signed in you can also download articles to your Google Drive account, highlight paragraphs and more. 

To access databases outside of school you'll need a password. Ask a librarian or you can find the passwords on the Library Canvas Course - Databases -REMOTE ACCESS LOGIN INFORMATION. 

Possible Topics for Research



Society & Culture

Environment & Energy

Civil Rights & Liberties 

Quick Search Tips

When you search in a database, the words you type into the search box need to be specific.

Select the most important 2-3 words related to your topic.  Put the word AND between each new term; this tells the database to look for resources with ALL your terms.

frederick douglass AND statesmanship

Use quotation marks ( "  " ) around phrases (two or more words); this tells the database to look for the words in that specific order.

"underground railroad" AND Tubman